Aphantasia and the body connection
Have you heard of Aphantasia? It's the inability to create mental images in your mind. Are you an Aphant?
Earlier this year, I realized that Eponine is, it's categorized as a neurotype.
She can't visual something not right in front of her, it also effects how she processes and repeats sound and recalls information, we would delight in how cute her vocabulary was , completely recalling just the wrong word, but consistently, an example is that she used to call "leche" "anchet" and other numerous instances, just the complete wrong sound recollection. Causing frustration for her when she cannot think of a word. "I don't know what to say!!!!" With the stamp of a foot.
Also, her art tends to look like scribbles because she "plays" with her characters in real time, every swipe is an action, as opposed to looking characters she's drawn and have them imaginatively play.
I am grateful to have noticed because it helps me understand her process more. She is much more aware of her body, she gets intuitive feelings in her body rather than visually meditating. As someone who meditates with my children from birth, I chalked up her disinterest in it to age, but around 5, I was recalling her two older siblings and their proficiency and ease of meditation at 5 and earlier.
You all know I love observing. So I continued to take note of how she interacts with the world.
Listen to your body! Ask your body!
With so much connection to how her body feels, it was easy to see and utilize her proficiency. A lot of adults I work with have the hardest time getting out of their heads and making decisions with the truth, their very soul signature imprinted on every strand of DNA. How that usually presents is a disconnect or "balloon head" floating high above their bodies. For many reasons, we are essentially to curse our bodies, see them as prisons, or ignore them entirely. When that is the very thing that separates us from ourselves. Our bodies are divinely chosen for this lifetime. Meticulously thought about and spliced together using both the genetics of our ancestors, trauma we seek to clear out of the family lineage, goals we have for this lifetime and more. The spirit realm essentially has a custom Tesla design hotline for body choice.
When we can see our bodies through this knowing, things immediately improve. We can see clearer. The intention of our bodies and the way they are designed to hold onto what we imprint into it. With issues being only messages of dis-ease, energetic blockages, generational trauma, lived trauma and more. Our body also holds onto keys and tools we packed with us during this life. To be unlocked when we are connected.
Eponine has a front row seat to this knowing. She hasn't forgotten like most of us do. It's an integral part of how she operates. How she stays safe. How she interacts with the world.
From a young age, she would ask her belly questions "are you hungry belly? For Avocado? Yeah, she wants avocado."
So we utilize that.
"I can see that you're feeling angry, where does anger sit in your body?"
She often says when she feels wronged "you broke my entire heart into a million pieces" she is in touch with the energy sitting in her heart when there is dissonance.
She feels sadness in her belly.
Overwhelm on her shoulders like someone pushing her down.
In the same way:
Eponine, what does peace feel like? Where do you feel it in your body? Are you able to move it into your hurting heart?
Let's take a deep breath.
A lot of her aftercare following some bid emotions is heavily body centered. She needs to be held. She needs a massage, a pedicure, a forehead kiss.
I have worked with adult aphants who respond exceptionally well to body feeling instead of visualization, with some practice of remembering this innate ability they have packed with them for this lifetime.
Eponine may not always be able to participate in every yoga class or guided meditation, but she has her best buddy, her body along for the ride and the immense power she is connected to because of her wonderful, custom, perfectly formulated mind and body