The Healed Mother

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The Healed Mother: Parenting, Adventures and Soul Journey with Amethyst Joy


BECAUSE!!! WE ARE MOVING! And let me tell you, moving two kids and two dogs is not as easy as it sound...oh, it sounds difficult? Well times that by a trillion. I am thankful that it's only a temporary move, but bringing our lives nonetheless.

Life looks like this sometimes:

phone 2345

phone 2188

And like this other times it looks like this:

phone 2372

phone 2418

Or sometimes it looks like nothing at all because your phone shattered, then your baby brought it for a swim.

Whatever life looks life, It's filled with good friends, laundry, fun times, laundry, last minute adventures...and laundry.

At the end of the day, I may not be on top of it all, my washer might me mildewing the load from this morning, but I am always grateful that life will look like this.

What a wonderful world <3