I think some people wonder how there can be discipline without force or a giant show of authority. It's really quite simple. Science and the universe have already sorted that out for us. You can take your ego, fear and sense of ownership out of the entire equation.
"Every action has a reaction."
The Golden Rule. "Treat people how you would like to be treated."
"Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself."
"Regard your neighbor's gain as your own gain, and your neighbor's loss as your own loss."
That is the only compass one needs for morality and It's easy to see why, but I will explain it anyway.
Would you want someone to hit you every time you did something they told you not to? Probably not. How about yell and throw their weight around when they don't feel you are listening or shame you for your decisions etc. etc. etc. The Golden Rule. Applies as much to parenthood as it should in every day life dealing with peers and adults.
An example of what this active discipline looks like happened here just minutes ago:
Ezekiel ripped a page out of a book, he had to go lay down on the bed and we talked about how every action has a reaction and a consequence. A hug will receive a hug. Ripping out a page in a book will receive a time out. You -can- do whatever you want, but you are not free from the consequences of your actions. It is important to be respectful of your things. Then I had his fat cheeked baby wristed body repeat "Every action has a consequence" twice.
No big show, no big deal. We talk like adults and, dare I say the four lettered word in the child/parent relation paradigm, we talk like friends. I respect him because he is a person and will teach him that all living things deserve respect because of their existence. Not because their age or size or because they have "earned it". You earn respect by being alive. I suppose that is a blog for another day...
Be conscious in your relationships. Be conscious in discipline. Live life on purpose.