The Healed Mother

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The Healed Mother: Parenting, Adventures and Soul Journey with Amethyst Joy

Not Sorry.

1443061416638 I was recently banned from Facebook because I posted a video titled

"Your Naked Body Is Not A Crime"


Someone on my friends list reported it and it was removed. What is wrong with the world where sharing beauty is a bannable offense? I feel for the humans that have been conditioned to think that modesty is the most important thing. I grew up in a religious household....this works for some. Yet I was screaming. I felt. CRAZY. But something had to be wrong with ME, right? So I devoted myself to church and following that movement in every capacity. I was being suffocated, I was spiraling. I am so thankful to realize my strength now, I didn't for so long. So, I feel for people that fear the humanity within themselves, thinking they are NOTHING without this patriacharcal entitity, that people are flawed. It's just so not true, We are so powerful. We are God, we are the universe.


I will be removing everyone from my friends list, this is nothing personal! It is a beautiful rebirth of pure friendships. Please request if you would love to continue being part of our adventures. I l send love and light to each and every person and know this message will find those that need it.
