The Healed Mother

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The Healed Mother: Parenting, Adventures and Soul Journey with Amethyst Joy

Beach Es

So today we woke up to THIS! WP_20140421_011

Fantastic morning, indeed.

We collected our beachwares and headed down!


I'm sure it didn't look ridiculous at all carrying two boys, a beach bucket and a giant bag. These hoity toity Californians weren't ready for all this!




We were out here for FOUR HOURS, y'all! We had the best time...running to the water "WHADUH GETCHOO, MAMA!!!" and running back, building and destroying sand castles, burring Ezekiel waist high...twice. Escher had a blast.


I was even able to get in some reading time. Learning about my boy and my personal parenting journey are my favorite things.


What treasured days are these.

I had a sleeping baby on my back and a sleeping EZ in my grocery cart at one point. I only got told I "have your hands full" three times the entire day, to which my go-to response is waving both hands gleefully!


Ezekiel slept for 12 hours. bEach success :)
