The Healed Mother

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The Healed Mother: Parenting, Adventures and Soul Journey with Amethyst Joy

Morning is my favorite.

(Never in all my years would I have ever thought that would be the title of anything I would write.) Morning is also Escher's favorite, it always has been. Eyes open and it's this:

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Morning is NOT Ezekiel's favorite. It never has been.

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It's usually this:


The contrast is never not funny.

But anyway, after I nurse them and Ezekiel goes through zombie phase, the magic happens.

"Uhm, mama, I wanna go to the park today. With you and Escher?"

Because I send him alone all the time.

"Mama, Escher is silly...and tiny. HE IS SO TINY!"

I am pretty sure they weigh the same.

He hands me my earrings, "Here, mama...ears"

Meanwhile Escher is out of his mind giggling about whatever.

Life is good <3
